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  1. dmtaylor

    Single temp pilsner malt

    Use the one that tastes the best. Chew a couple kernels of each at the shop and then buy the one you like.
  2. dmtaylor

    Consistently low FG’s

    @JakeBowden is onto something regarding calibration. I would check calibration of your hydrometer in plain room temp water to ensure it reads 1.000. Mine often does not, reading a couple points higher or lower. This can obviously affect both the OG and FG readings. Then also check your mash...
  3. dmtaylor

    Consistently low FG’s

    What yeast have you been using? US-05 by any chance? Yeast selection matters.
  4. dmtaylor

    When to know if yeast is stalling

    Don't trust the Tilt. It's not right. You definitely don't need to add any more yeast. It might help though if you removed the pressure. Then just let 'er go for a couple weeks.
  5. dmtaylor

    What esters does saccharomyces cerevisiae or bakers yeast produce when making a mead?

    If you want banana flavor in a mead, use either real bananas or banana extract. The yeast isn't usually going to do this for you, not even a hefeweizen yeast, because beer and mead are two very different things.
  6. dmtaylor

    What esters does saccharomyces cerevisiae or bakers yeast produce when making a mead?

    Most mead, wine, cider, beer, bread, and bakers yeasts ARE Saccharomyces cerevisiae, regardless of how they might otherwise be categorized by a manufacturer. There are probably thousands of different strains commercially available. If your yeast does not have a specific name, designation, or...
  7. dmtaylor

    how about a meme generator thread...

    The "Roundy Roundy" step comes in between the steam and the "Sparky Sparky". Steam turns a turbine which turns a generator which makes the sparky sparky. But yeah... nuclear is just hot rocks. Think about the glowing rocks from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom:
  8. dmtaylor

    Is there a gruit recipe for those who don't know the jargon?

    Sounds like an acceptable plan. I personally would avoid wormwood unless used in a tiny amount like a gram or less.
  9. dmtaylor

    Is there a gruit recipe for those who don't know the jargon?

    This sounds like a description of a dark crystal malt. But no, crystal malt did not exist in the 14th century. This appears to be an attempt by the modern author to approximate flavors of an old gruit ale by using a grain that can easily be steeped. Crystal malts are appropriate for steeping...
  10. dmtaylor

    WLP029 temp range

    It will turn out great. And it will probably only take 2 or 3 weeks, definitely don't need to condition 6 weeks.
  11. dmtaylor

    Is this a hop or not? Found them scattered in my yard only. None in neighbors. Poisonous to my puppy?

    That's not hops. There are other plants that resemble hop cones but the leaves are totally different.
  12. dmtaylor

    when do you like to do a diacetyl rest?

    No one is that lucky. But many cannot sense diacetyl.
  13. dmtaylor

    when do you like to do a diacetyl rest?

    1) Take your OG reading 2) Look at the digits to the right of the decimal (e.g., 1.056 --> 56) 3) Divide by 2 (e.g., 56 / 2 = 28) 4) Put a 1.0 in the front and start the D rest there IF needed or desired (e.g., 1.028) 5) IF you actually detect diacetyl in the aroma or flavor, let it rest longer...
  14. dmtaylor

    Favorite of experienced brewers.

    Apologies. USA-ians suck at this stuff.
  15. dmtaylor

    Favorite of experienced brewers.

    Agreed. I gave two lagers previously, but I have to admit, the English bitter has become a favorite of mine in recent years as well, so I'll jump onto the boat of lagers AND bitters. And it is difficult to narrow down favorites to just a few styles, there are too many great ones.
  16. dmtaylor

    Favorite of experienced brewers.

    German helles or pilsner
  17. dmtaylor

    how about a meme generator thread...

    Dat's yo mama. (Mother)
  18. dmtaylor

    Safale T-58 low attenuation

    I've gotten low attenuation from T-58 before. My solution was to add Belle Saison and let it sit another month. After that the beer turned out quite good.