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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. S

    TCL Freezer 7.0 Cu Ft

    Someone migh find this useful. Got a TCL 7.0 Cu Ft from delivered for $155. Tightly fits 4 cornys & co2 on the hump without a collar. Add a 8” collar you might get 5 or 6 in with 2 on the hump.
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    Temp Controller With Schedule

    Does anyone know of a reasonably priced 120 volt temp controller that has the ability to program a temp schedule? Like if you wanted to preset the temp setting to change after a few days or hours or whatever
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    Wild Lager Yeast?

    Anyone know much about this ARL Southern Lager strain from Bootleg Biology? I assume it’s a wild lager yeast sourced from Virginia from reading the description on the site. Got some in the fridge wondering if anyone has any experience or tips.
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    Warm Lager Yeast List

    I know we have a warm fermented lager thread that goes into various areas of warm fermentation, but what I have not seen is a list or chart of Saccharomyces pastorianus that are available at the homebrewers level that have been tried out by members in that 60+ Fahrenheit or 16+C range. I mean...
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    Distilled Water & Starters

    When using pre-canned wort for starters like proper & such the directions say to dilute with distilled water. How clean is distilled water from a jug? Doesn’t need to be boil d prior to mixing with wort?
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    Fist Bump / Cry Havoc WLP1983

    I mentioned in another post I have almost been exclusively using a w-strain for my yeast, but I guess I’m getting adventurous as I will be trying L28 Urkel for the first time soon. Another yeast I have been curious about for a long time is Charlie’s yeast Wlp1983 Cry Havoc / Fist Bump. Have...
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    Any Urkel Fans?

    I ordered up some L28 Urkel today on a whim and not sure what it likes. I’ve been using dry w-strains direct pitch no starter. I usually chill wort until 58f, pitch yeast, & set chamber to 58 and hold until airlock gets active then drop the controller to 56. My OGs are usually at or south of...
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    S-23 Lager Yeast Educate Me

    I used S – 23 yeast many many years ago I don’t really remember how I used it as far as fermentation schedule goes and that old notebook got lost in a move. I see some seem to have a strong dislike for the yeast. It appears S-23, maybe closely related to the Urquell strain. For those of you...
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    So What Now?

    I had been planning my next brew to be a Kolsch. I haven’t done Kolsch in years due to mail order of liquid cultures are kinda dicey sometimes in Texas, but I had been seeing guys rave about the Lallamend Koln. Sadly I discovered yesterday it been discontinued. I’ve considered K-97 but I see...
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    Abrasive For Stainless Steel

    I recently acquired basically a factory second Stainless Steel fermenter that the seem didn’t get dressed properly. I figured I might try to make use of it in some capacity if I can polish up the seem. My question is what abrasives are best in this application?
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    New Chapman Fermenter Issues

    Got a new Fermenter in the mail today but it’s got a seam. What would you think if you were me?
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    Noticed Something Today

    I was strolling through my lhbs today to pickup a few things along with a sack of 2 row. Usually when I shop for anything not just beer stuff I look the selection over gravitate towards the particular item I had in mind and if several are available I pick the one that looks like it’s in best...
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    Blue Monster PTFE Thread Tape

    I have always used regular old white Teflon/PTFE tape on my brew kettle fittings, but I ran out and I had a new role of blue monster PTFE thread, tape. Any reason not to use it that you know of? I really think this is the same thing as the white tape just thicker. I looked at their site and I...
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    Rice Mash Method

    I currently use a single infusion biab method. I have used adjuncts only in the form of flakes so it’s pretty easy. But I’m thinking of trying regular non flaked rice. Got a couple questions about how others are doing it. 1. How do I calculate strike water with something cooked separate and...
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    Low ABV & Shelf Life

    Been thinking of trying my hand at some low abv lagers in the 1.5%-2% range. I’m wanting something light, beerish, & semi hydrating for after my runs. You know something that I can have a few pints of without getting tipsy. Most low or no abv beers kinda suck or the good stuff is usually...
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    Cold Extraction/Mashing

    I was reading through some stuff on the Briess site and read a little bit about cold extraction. Looks interesting and thought it might be a cool project for a super low abv beer. Anyone tried this? If so, I would be interested to know what you did, how you did it, and what you thought about it.
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    PVC Pipe Summertime

    Last winter I decided to run a water line on the other side of my shop using pvc. I use this supply for brewing water supply also. The clearest path was to run it over head a few inches of the tin roof. The tin / corrugated is my point of concern because it gets hot in summer in the south...
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    Siphon Pump Foam

    Recently picked up a super sucker antigravity siphon pump, and it works pretty good with water, cleaner, and sanitizer but as soon as I started sucking beer with it to move it from the fermenter to the keg I get foam on the discharge. Prior I ran cleaner, water, & Starsan through without issue...
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    Ever Seen Or Used This?

    Might not be a bad alternative to flaked corn or cereal mashing corn meal in CAP & such, but maybe not. What do you think?
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    California Common

    I’ve been reading up on Cali Common recently and after reading a couple articles & post, I’ve started wondering how close our modern versions & guidelines come to the ordinals in regards to ingredients. Please share your opinions & info.