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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. ScrewyBrewer

    Set and forget it?

    Unless pressed for time to get a keg carbed, set it and forget is a safe bet. Otherwise 40 psi for a day will carb just about any beer.
  2. ScrewyBrewer

    What changes made your beer better?

    Using a temperature controller during fermentation gave me the most noticeable improvement.
  3. ScrewyBrewer

    ezRecipe Design 4.05 Now Available

    ezRecipe Design 2024 is ready for downloading now. Try it and see why it’s the ‘Easy Way To Awesome Beer!”. April 2024 Release
  4. ScrewyBrewer

    Regulator leak

    My guess is there is a leak in the regulator diaphragm.
  5. ScrewyBrewer

    Poor Man's CO2 Manifold?

    The screws are about 23 inches above the refrigerator floor, making the connections a couple of inches below the top of the kegs. I used hot glue to bond the distributors to the inside refrigerator wall for some added support. The mounting works for me because there is enough room for four kegs...
  6. ScrewyBrewer

    Poor Man's CO2 Manifold?

    I recently ran all EVAbarrier Co2 lines and finally have manifolds with check valves. Cost a bit, but the peace of mind bonus makes it a wash.
  7. ScrewyBrewer

    Flavor and aroma loss - I can not figure out why this keeps happening!

    It's a fact that chlorine or chloramine in your brewing water will mute hop flavor and aroma. I would start there. In my experience, oxidation will darken pale-colored beers, which would be a sure sign it is muting your hops. The other thing to try is whirlpooling, aroma hopping in the boil, and...
  8. ScrewyBrewer

    ezRecipe Design 4.04 Now Available

    After nearly thirteen months in development, ezRecipe Design version 4.04 is now available for download. Developed exclusively as an Add-in for 32-bit Microsoft Excel 2016 and higher, this latest release adds many new features and improvements over previous versions. Here is a preview of what...
  9. ScrewyBrewer

    Need Help Switching to EVA Barrier and DuoTight Fittings

    rqrrbt I bought the EVABarrier Double Wall Draft Tubing - 5 mm ID x 8 mm OD tubing.
  10. ScrewyBrewer

    ezRecipe Design 3.03.10 Now Available

    "The ezRecipe Design add-in is compatible with 32-bit versions of Excel 2016 or higher, installed on Windows 10 or 11, 32-bit or 64-bit."
  11. ScrewyBrewer

    Water mineral profile adjustment for high proportional boil-off rates (small batches)

    I calculate the total strike and sparge water volumes needed to produce enough wort to fill a keg up to my target volume, then treat that total strike water volume to match a water profile. Of course, before knowing just how to treat the total strike water volume, you also must know which grains...
  12. ScrewyBrewer

    Those who have an at home RO filter setup

    I use an RO filter, but I know that deionization filters, while suitable for aquariums, are not recommended for drinking or brewing beer.
  13. ScrewyBrewer

    Formula for grain displacement?

    The formula in column B will display the MLT volume needed in gallons. Enter your required grain weight, absorption rate, and strike water volume to calculate the MLT volume accurately. Column F will display the mash thickness based on the volumes entered. =(E4*1.03)+(C4*D4)
  14. ScrewyBrewer

    Help with water temps

    Initially, just set the heat loss temperature to 2 degrees. After dough-in, note the temperature of your mash. Next time adjust the heat loss temperature up or down as needed. As you mentioned, heat loss will vary somewhat with every brewing system and brewer.
  15. ScrewyBrewer

    Help with water temps

    The heat loss factor is the degrees of heat loss introduced by hoses and vessels that closely match your brewing setup.